How old is Scott Servais? When is Scott Servais's birthday? Where is Scott Servais born? Where did Scott Servais grow up from? What's Scott Servais's age?
Scott Servais Born: June 4, 1967 (age 54 years), La Crosse, Wisconsin, United States
Scott Servais Run_bat_in: 319
Is Scott Servais married? When did Scott Servais get married? Who's Scott Servais's married to? (Who's Scott Servais's husband / wife)?
Scott Servais Spouse: Jill Servais
Scott Servais Parents: Dan Servais, Meribeth Servais
Does Scott Servais have any children? What are the names of Scott Servais's children? What are the ages of Scott Servais's children?
Scott Servais Children: Jacqueline Servais, Tyler Servais, Victoria Servais
Scott Servais Manageri_record: 379–393