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How old is Robert Caro? When is Robert Caro's birthday? Where is Robert Caro born? Where did Robert Caro grow up from? What's Robert Caro's age? Robert Caro Born: October 30, 1935 (age 87years), New York, New York, United States

How old is Robert Caro? When is Robert Caro's birthday? Where is Robert Caro born? Where did Robert Caro grow up from? What's Robert Caro's age?

Robert Caro Born: October 30, 1935 (age 87years), New York, New York, United States

Is Robert Caro married? When did Robert Caro get married? Who's Robert Caro's married to? (Who's Robert Caro's husband / wife)?

Robert Caro Spouse: Ina Caro (m. 1957)

How about Robert Caro's parents?

Robert Caro Parents: Cele Mendelow, Benjamin Caro

Does Robert Caro have any children? What are the names of Robert Caro's children? What are the ages of Robert Caro's children?

Robert Caro Children: Chase Caro

How about Robert Caro's education?

Robert Caro Education: Harvard University, Columbia University, MORE

Is Robert Caro still writing?

NEW YORK (AP) \u2014 The good news on Robert A. Caro's long-awaited next book is that he knows the final words. The bad news is that he's known them for years and remains far from concluding his Lyndon B.

Where does Robert Caro work?

Caro graduated from Princeton, was later a Nieman Fellow at Harvard, and worked for six years as an investigative reporter for Newsday. He lives with his wife, the writer Ina Caro, in New York City, where he is at work on the fifth and final volume of The Years of Lyndon Johnson.

What did Robert Caro do?

Following The Power Broker, Caro turned his attention to President Lyndon B. Johnson. Caro retraced Johnson's life by temporarily moving to rural Texas and Washington, D.C., in order to better understand Johnson's upbringing and to interview anyone who had known Johnson.

