How old is Pattie Boyd? When is Pattie Boyd's birthday? Where is Pattie Boyd born? Where did Pattie Boyd grow up from? What's Pattie Boyd's age?
Pattie Boyd Born: 1944 (age 79years), Taunton, United Kingdom
How tall is Pattie Boyd in meters or centimeters?
Pattie Boyd Height: 5 6
Is Pattie Boyd married? When did Pattie Boyd get married? Who's Pattie Boyd's married to? (Who's Pattie Boyd's husband / wife)?
Pattie Boyd Spouse: Rod Weston (m. 2015), Eric Clapton (m. 19791989), George Harrison (m. 19661977)
How about Pattie Boyd's parents?
Pattie Boyd Parents: Diana Frances Boyd, Colin Ian Langdon Boyd
How about Pattie Boyd's sibling?
Pattie Boyd Sibling: Jenny Boyd, Paula Boyd, Robert Gaymer-Jones, David J. B. Gaymer-Jones
Did Pattie Boyd have any children?
Pattie Boyd lives in London with her husband, Rod Weston, and their dog, Freddie. A Sixties model and now an acclaimed photographer, she was formerly married to Harrison and Eric Clapton. I was three years old when my parents moved to Kenya to live with my grandparents. We had a beautiful, big rambling house.
Who was in love with Pattie Boyd?
Pattie Boyd lives in London with her husband, Rod Weston, and their dog, Freddie. A Sixties model and now an acclaimed photographer, she was formerly married to Harrison and Eric Clapton. I was three years old when my parents moved to Kenya to live with my grandparents. We had a beautiful, big rambling house.
What 11 songs were written about Pattie Boyd?
Pattie Boyd lives in London with her husband, Rod Weston, and their dog, Freddie. A Sixties model and now an acclaimed photographer, she was formerly married to Harrison and Eric Clapton. I was three years old when my parents moved to Kenya to live with my grandparents. We had a beautiful, big rambling house.
Where is Pattie Boyd now?
Pattie Boyd lives in London with her husband, Rod Weston, and their dog, Freddie. A Sixties model and now an acclaimed photographer, she was formerly married to Harrison and Eric Clapton. I was three years old when my parents moved to Kenya to live with my grandparents. We had a beautiful, big rambling house.