35 Monday After Super Bowl Memes to Get You Through the Day From Hell

Had a lot to drink after the Super Bowl? Here are some memes to get you through another start of the work week after getting no sleep the night before. As fans geared up to watch the 2020 Super Bowl on Feb. 2, the last thing they wanted to think about was getting up early

Had a lot to drink after the Super Bowl? Here are some memes to get you through another start of the work week after getting no sleep the night before.

Larry Stansbury - Author

As fans geared up to watch the 2020 Super Bowl on Feb. 2, the last thing they wanted to think about was getting up early for work the next day. Unfortunately for most people, that's exactly what they had to look forward to on the Monday after the Super Bowl.

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Plenty of people would love for the Monday after the Super Bowl to become a national holiday. In fact, a survey from the company DraftKings — which was conducted by the polling firm SurveyGizmo — found that 40 percent of American sports fans would rather give up another work holiday than show up to their jobs the Monday after the Super Bowl. They would much rather rather forfeit Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, or Columbus Day than stumble into work exhausted and hungover.

But petition as they might, sports fans are likely never going to get their wish.

For those who are desperately grasping for something to make one of the most hellish of Mondays the tiniest bit better, we've rounded up some memes to get you through the first day of the workweek. Because literally no one wants to be working the worst Monday of the year, but hopefully some of these memes will help to numb the pain.

This would be an easy solution, wouldn't it?

I do the same thing for Valentine's day chocolate, duh.

If everybody would just wait until the Monday after the Super Bowl, the tickets will be half price

— An English Human (@English_Channel) February 7, 2021

This is technically keeping sports and politics separate...

Sunday is the Super Bowl.
Monday is the 2nd impeachment.


— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) February 6, 2021

"Oh God, why did I eat so much."

Remember, don’t get on a scale, take your cholesterol, or your blood pressure the Monday after the Superbowl. Resume those activities on Tuesday! pic.twitter.com/OrD1hLhFdU

— Michael Rymar (@MichaelRymar1) February 7, 2021

You need to rage appropriately for your team. Why does this even need an explanation?

My boss asked me why it was so important I needed Monday after the Super Bowl off........ he’s not from kc. That’s all you need to know.

— Kay ❣️ (@Kbish10) February 1, 2021

Are the snow gods smiling upon us?

Shoveling snow is no joke.

It's a horrible thought.

I’m already tired thinking about the Monday morning after the Super Bowl

— WC (@feelnwhitney) February 6, 2021

There are some perks...

I have to go into the office to resolve a computer issue. I’m gonna go Monday since it’ll be a ghost town the morning after the super bowl.

— Ginger’s Home for Wayward Cats (@mkkraemer) February 5, 2021

Kansas City Savior.

A fate worse than death.

Please Mr. President, make it happen.

The Monday after the super bowl should be a national holiday, idc if it’s only a sport because to some of us this is Christmas and football is our religion. Do ur job @JoeBiden pic.twitter.com/MEozelO586

— Jalen Hurts Stan Account (@notTherealTVarg) February 7, 2021

Doesn't feel good.

And then you've got the gloaters. Well pin a rose on your nose.

And then there's the MEGA gloaters who even use amazing GIFs to reinforce their point.

When your friend hears you're trying to cut down on drinking the day after the Super Bowl.

Legends never die.

At least this school district has got it right.

Man, your cardboard cut-out should've been there.

These are some true historical facts.

Some businesses that advertised during Tom Brady’s first Super Bowl:⁰⁰AOL
Blockbuster⁰Radio Shack
Circuit City
VoiceStream Wireless
Gateway Computers

— Jon Erlichman (@JonErlichman) February 7, 2021

These are not.


-Hurricane Katrina
-Obama Elected
-Iran Contra
-JFK Assassinated
-Telephone Invented
-Wheel Invented
-Big Bang

— Hari Kondabolu (@harikondabolu) February 7, 2021

Was Jimmy right?

Never forget these dudes who hit on Lady Gaga not knowing who she was.

Go sports!

Oh there's a game on after the poetry reading?

It's those 5G waves.

He's got that Snoke Drip down pat.

Maybe you wish you were in bed with Russell Crowe.

Wohooo... Superbowl . How do you watch @russellcrowe ? Is it a reason to stay tucked in bed on a monday morning to watch while being lazy? With a big mug of tea/coffee...
I can nearly smell it and feel the warmth of our sheets... ups. Sailed away. Haha.

Good morning!! Hug you!

— Karin Bauer ♿️☕️🚬 (@KaBaBo965) February 7, 2021

It's pretty easy to identify sports fans at work.

Yep. If you want to chat to co-workers who actually watched the Super Bowl it'll be a cinch to pick them out of a crowd. Just look for individuals with dark circles under their eyes who are desperately clutching coffee and probably stumbling around. They're your people.

How much do you hate co-workers who thought ahead?

Source: Twitter

The unlucky souls working the Monday after the Super Bowl will be cursing their co-workers who thought ahead and took personal days in advance.

This is how we all feel heading into work today.

Source: Twitter

We can all relate to this feeling the Monday after the Super Bowl.

When you're having a great time at a Super Bowl party — and then remember you have to work in the morning.

Can’t wait for Sunday to watch the Super Bowl, but it’s Sunday which sucks because Monday it’s back to work!!! Make Monday’s after the Super Bowl a National Holiday! #mood pic.twitter.com/vs1i0tPrIW

— hijo_de_la_chingada (@kaution650) February 1, 2020 Source: Twitter

Is it even possible to fully enjoy and appreciate a Super Bowl party when you know you'll be waking up early the next morning to head to work? No. No, it isn't.

How most of us feel by 10 a.m. the Monday after the Super Bowl.

Source: Twitter

It's impossible to keep your eyes open when you'd rather still be home in bed. Shutting your office door and sneaking in a quick nap is incredibly tempting about now.

You're already dead inside coming in to work on a Monday.

The Office fans know this one because it's a signature meme from Michael Scott himself.  

Hating your co-workers who "called in sick"

17.2 million US workers are expected2miss work Monday after the #SuperBowl, per The Workforce Institute at Kronos, Inc. They say more than 8M workers will take pre-approved day off, but 4.7M expected2take sick day even tho they're not ill. I’m in category #1. LOL. #SuperBowlFever pic.twitter.com/7yFqhegPDv

— Kenny BooYah! (@KwikWarren) February 1, 2020 Source: Twitter

Who is conveniently sick the Monday after the Super Bowl. No one, that's who. They are most definitely not sick; they're simply sleeping all day. Like you wish you could be.

At some point, we all have this same thought.

17 million or more expected to miss work on Monday, after the game on Sunday! Like I've been saying for YEARS. Play the Super Bowl on SATURDAY & that will take care of things. Hey, there is a 2 week break for the game anyway. What difference would one less day off make?? Sheesh! pic.twitter.com/2EnbJwglvy

— PatriotRob (@HRoberish) January 31, 2020 Source: Twitter

Seriously, why can't the Super Bowl just be on a freaking Saturday? Then everyone would be able to party on Saturday and still have Sunday to recover, sleep, and then show up well-rested for work on Monday. Let's get on this, people!

