Millionaire matchmaker reveals five things that make women irresistible to men & why insecurities ar

FEELING unlucky in love at the moment? Well you're certainly not alone - as thanks to lockdown, our dating lives have been put on hold indefinitely. But just because we can't physically go out on dates right now, that doesn't mean you have to stop swiping for potential matches on apps.

FEELING unlucky in love at the moment? Well you're certainly not alone - as thanks to lockdown, our dating lives have been put on hold indefinitely.

But just because we can't physically go out on dates right now, that doesn't mean you have to stop swiping for potential matches on apps.

And if you're looking to boost your chances of finding love in lockdown then you might want to take notes from millionaire matchmaker Anna Bey.

In a new YouTube video, Anna - who founded the School of Affluence - shared the five things that make women instantly irresistible to men.

1. Be confident

According to this matchmaker, a strong sense of confidence is something most men are looking for in a relationship - and being insecure about them leaving is a surefire way to drive them away.

She said: "Guess what causes the most drama in a relationship? Well, apart from miscommunication, of course - ladies that is insecurities.

"A man starts absolutely 100 per cent fantasising about leaving a relationship when a girlfriend causes drama by being worried that he's going to leave her."

If this is something you struggle with, Anna says it's worth tackling your insecurity head-on and confiding in your partner instead of taking it out on them.

She added: "The most important thing is that you become aware of them because surely that’s the only way to heal."

2. Don't be afraid to play hard to get

It's the oldest trick in the book - but Anna says playing hard to get really does work.

Urging women not to "obsess" about the guys they're seeing, Anna said that blokes will suddenly take more of an interest when you're not at his every beck and call.

She said: "Their minds are wired to thrive on challenges. We shouldn’t be available to him all the time because then he will not value the moment when you are actually available and the time that you give to him.

"What I am saying is that do not just sit on the couch all day long, watching the Kardashians and waiting for the guy to call. You are not going to be very interesting to him in the long run this way." 

3. Let him show his emotions

According to Anna, men form a stronger attachment to women who have allowed allow them to be vulnerable.

She said: "I really do think that if you create a space in your relationship that allows a man to really talk about his feelings and the things that burdens him, they tend to value this kind of relationship much higher.

"If you are there by his side, not judging at all, you will have a man who will open up to you in a way that won’t make him want to leave you anytime soon - because he simply won’t have any people in his life with whom he can have these moments with.

"And trust me all men need to express these emotions and have these moments."

4. Always know your self-worth

If you've spent any time on dating apps, then chances are you will have received a creepy message (or two)... and it's for this exact reason that Anna says you should keep your standards high.

She said: "Let me give you some tough love. You do not know how to demand real respect.

"I’m talking about boundaries, setting boundaries. When you set boundaries, you communicate a message that tells the world how you expect to be treated. 

Men's minds are wired to thrive on challenges. We shouldn’t be available to them all the time.

Anna BeyMatchmaker

"We know that we deserve love and we deserve kindness and we really deserve to be treated like a goddess. So what happens?

"Well, when you send out that energy, guess what happens then? That’s the treatment you’re going to get. That’s how people, men, women included, are going to treat you.

"Believe it or not, there is no faster way by raising your own value in people’s eyes than just by the simple word boundaries. And that’s exactly what makes a woman, a high value woman, and she’s not afraid of demanding respect and setting boundaries."

5. Use your femininity to capture his interest

As important as it is to set boundaries, Anna also recommends her clients use their femininity to capture their guy's interest.

"Nurture him, without being a doormat. There is this fear among some women, they think they need to be very cold and rigid with men," she said. "But I think it’s important to find a kind of healthy balanced relationship, which is why I believe that it’s very important to some degree to nurture the man."

She added: "Us ladies, we are indeed sitting on a gold mine because it is so easy to persuade a man with your femininity, your love and your care. But again, not talking about being a doormat, this is a powerful tool that we’ll use with nurturing him. 

'This is how he gets also hooked on the woman by getting that affection, that love and care that he cannot just get anywhere."

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