Fitness & More Hollywood Life

As this state of quarantine begins to become our new normal, fitness guru and actress Brooke Burke is keeping a positive attitude for both her family and her followers. The mother of four spoke to about her quarantine routine, which includes some at-home spa day fun with her kids, but also daily Instagram Live

As this state of quarantine begins to become our ‘new normal,’ fitness guru and actress Brooke Burke is keeping a positive attitude for both her family and her followers. The mother of four spoke to about her quarantine routine, which includes some at-home spa day fun with her kids, but also daily Instagram Live workouts for her fans. Brooke also developed a program with her 20 favorite body-burning moves to do in 20 minutes in the comfort of your own home, which are now currently available to do during this time of isolation! We caught up with the fit star about she’s maintaining Brooke Burke Body in quarantine and spending her time:

What are you binge watching during the quarantine? Sadly, I’m watching a lot of news and trying to take breaks and turn that down. It’s funny because my boyfriend and the kids and I have never made time to watch TV or to watch a series, so we’re looking for a good one. I’m obsessed with Homeland, and my boyfriend’s getting caught up on past episodes so we can watch it together. I’m not a big escapist on TV, I’m actually reading! I’m reading a book that I’ve been trying to finish for a year, and staying connected digitally with friends and family, so that’s taking up a lot more time than just mindless entertainment right now.

What are your at home quarantine essentials? What did you stock up on before?  We have basics in the house. I’m cooking a lot with my kids and trying to be mindful, so a lot of garlic, herbs, spices, potatoes, lots of veggies, different types of meat so that I can be creative with in the kitchen. I’m making tons of, I call it “junk salad.” I just put the recipe up, where you’re using pretty much everything in your kitchen, vegetables, nuts, crunchy things. I’m pureeing soup with leftover vegetables from the night before. I’m just being really smart and mindful with what we have. My daughter and I are doing kitchen projects — we made homemade almond milk; by the way, it’s so easy, never made that before. I just made an almond chia pudding this morning. We’re trying to do food art and spend time making things pretty and more creative, and serving ourselves the way that we would receive a nice dish in a restaurant, which I think is really important. This is the time to be creative and create that type of ambiance at home that we’re used to receiving out in our normal life.

What’s on your Quarantine playlist? Oh my gosh, I’m all about music, always making playlists and I always have music playing in my house. I’m listening to a lot of country, I’m listening to a lot of hits. I also like international ambiance music, so I’ve got everything from Italian, to Celine Dion, to just feel-good music that creates a little escapism. Some nights we’re pretending like we’re in Italy and we’re on a retreat, but we’re just chilling out at home, the same way we would do on vacation. We’re using our imagination a lot. We’ll crank up the music sometimes at home and have dance-offs to old ’80s, everything from Tina Turner to Michael Jackson. We’re looking up old music videos, I’m showing the kids the ‘What’s Love Got to Do With It’ video, with the leather skirt and the denim jacket. Just having silly fun, stuff that you would never do at home because no one’s in the same room together until now. I was saying to a friend of mine, “Time is something that’s so precious that we never have enough of, and then all of a sudden there’s nothing but time.” So, in a way, as challenging as this is, there are really beautiful moments and there are learning opportunities during this time. I’m as human as everybody else, there’s good days and bad days, I’m positive and optimistic, and then you get into a funk, cabin fever is a real thing, but if you look at it as a mini-staycation and a time to really connect with your loved ones, it shifts the point of view.

What are you doing to workout and stay fit at home?  For me, my home living room has been my set for a long time, but, suddenly, like overnight, now I have 70,000 people working out with me and Alessandra Ambrósio the other day in my living room! She was at her house, I was home, we were splitting screens because she comes to my class in Malibu, and we’re girlfriends, but it was amazing to have people from Brazil, from Prague, from Australia, all over the world, coming into my living room and actually connecting and laughing and really appreciating not only the face time, but the opportunity to stay connected in this new digital way. I’m doing Instagram Live in the morning — I am live-streaming with multiple cameras at home, and it’s sort of a reality show because there’s chaos in the kitchen, my kids are running around, my dog is walking in front of the camera, and I’m just letting it roll because what I’m trying to establish is the madness at home and what I’m dealing with is just like what everybody else is dealing with. The one thing this virus has taught us, it doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, what you do, how much money you make, we’re all in this situation together, and I think that’s really bonding. So, I’m working out, life is happening, I’m laughing, I’m not taking it too serious, but I am legitimately offering some structure because I think we have to move our bodies, we have to carve out time for ourselves.

Be sure to follow Brooke Burke on Instagram to tune in to her daily Instagram Live Workouts so you can get work on your Brooke Burke Body while in quarantine!

